Transform your franchise: The untapped power of feedback

If you aren’t actively seeking feedback from your Franchise Partners, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful tools for growth

Transform your franchise: The untapped power of feedback

In the fast-paced world of franchising, it’s easy to get caught up in the next big thing—launching new initiatives, improving operations, or expanding your footprint. As leaders, we’re often moving so quickly that we don’t always pause to measure the true impact of our efforts. Yet, in this rush, we can overlook one of the most valuable tools for driving long-term success: meaningful feedback.

Too often, we rely heavily on sales and transaction metrics to gauge progress. While those numbers are important, they don’t tell the full story. We need to dig deeper to truly understand the ripple effects of our decisions.

  • How effective are our training programs in practice?
  • Are we really improving the quality and speed of service?
  • What does the gap between our projections and on-the-ground realities reveal?

These are the questions that can unlock the insights we need for more informed decision-making. And to get these insights, we have to approach feedback with humility, curiosity, and a commitment to learn.

But here’s the key—soliciting and giving valuable feedback starts with creating a foundation of psychological safety. Without it, franchisees and their teams won’t feel comfortable sharing their true thoughts, and the feedback we do receive will be shallow, limited, and likely filtered to avoid any perceived negative consequences. Building a culture where people feel safe to speak up is the foundation for gathering the kind of feedback that drives real change.

Here are some actionable steps on how to effectively gather and use feedback in franchising:

Foster psychological safety

The best feedback comes when people feel safe. Create an environment where your franchisees and their teams know that their opinions are valued, even if they challenge the status quo. Assure them that their insights won’t just be heard—they’ll be acted upon. Establishing this foundation allows for deeper, more authentic conversations about what’s working and what isn’t.

Create open & accessible channels of communication

Having multiple ways to share feedback helps to ensure diverse groups have fair and accessible opportunities to contribute. Whether through regular check-ins, surveys, or feedback forms, make it clear that their voices matter. They should feel confident that their feedback isn’t just a formality but a meaningful part of the decision-making process.

Ask open, thoughtful questions

Move beyond asking about sales and numbers. Get to the heart of the operations by asking questions about the training process, operational support, and the day-to-day challenges. For example, “What part of the training felt unclear or impractical?” or “Where do you feel you need more support?” These kinds of questions encourage reflection and uncover the insights you need to evolve.

Be present

There’s nothing like being on the ground. Field visits and in-person meetings give you a front-row seat to see how things are really working in the franchise. It also demonstrates to your franchisees that you’re invested in their success and willing to learn from their experiences.

Follow up and take action

Feedback without follow-up is feedback wasted. After collecting insights, be sure to communicate back to your franchisees what actions you’re taking. This not only validates their input but reinforces a culture of continuous improvement.

Feedback drives the story of growth

Feedback, when done right, helps us turn raw data into actionable insights, uncover opportunities for improvement, and see things we might have missed. It’s this ongoing dialogue that keeps us grounded and propels us toward meaningful growth.

As you move forward with your next initiative, take the time to pause. Ask for feedback from those on the front lines, listen with the intent to understand, and create the psychological safety that allows real feedback to flow. You might just discover the next chapter in your franchise’s success story.

Maliesa Cadogan
Maliesa Cadogan

EF100 People's Choice Award