The Canadian Franchise Association (CFA)

The Canadian Franchise Association (CFA) is a pivotal organization empowering people to achieve entrepreneurial success through franchising opportunities.

Representing over 600 corporate entities and more than 40,000 franchise owners across Canada’s leading and up-and-coming brands, the CFA champions issues crucial to franchise growth and sustainability.

As the industry’s primary advocate, the CFA goes beyond just representation. It fosters franchise development by providing educational resources and facilitates networking between aspiring business owners and franchise opportunities. This dedication to nurturing the franchise ecosystem has contributed significantly to Canada’s economic landscape.

Franchising has emerged as a cornerstone of the Canadian economy, ranking as the 12th largest industry nationwide. The sector’s annual contribution exceeds $120 billion, creating employment for nearly two million individuals across the country. To further support this thriving industry, the CFA produces various resources and events, including Franchise Canada publications, the Franchise Canada Shows, and the platform.

For those interested in tapping into the potential of franchising, CFA membership offers immediate access to a wealth of valuable benefits and resources.