Running a franchise is not always plain sailing

Even with the best franchise models, running a franchise, just like any business, comes with its fair share of ups and downs.

Running a franchise is not always plain sailing

From tackling financial hurdles to managing staff and ensuring customer satisfaction, franchisees face various obstacles that can affect both their business and personal wellbeing. In fact, nearly ninety percent of entrepreneurs report experiencing mental health issues*. Despite these inevitable ups and downs, prospective franchisees can mitigate risks and reduce negative impacts on their wellbeing by partnering with a franchisor committed to providing comprehensive support. This support can take many forms, including one-on-one assistance, workshops, wellbeing activities or simply being available for a supportive conversation.

Here, Andy Knights, CEO of Stagecoach Performing Arts, shares insights on why choosing a franchise that prioritises both business success and personal wellbeing is crucial. He also reflects on this year’s Stagecoach conference, which highlighted the importance of such support systems.

Signing your franchise agreement is an exciting milestone, marking the beginning of your business journey. However, as you progress, you will inevitably face both anticipated and unforeseen challenges. Recent years have shown how unpredictable the business environment can be, with various external factors testing our resilience. Beyond these, personal issues such as mental health, illness or family emergencies can also affect your business. During these critical moments, having a supportive franchisor can make a significant difference, helping franchisees navigate and thrive through tough times.

A supportive franchisor does more than just offer practical resources – they create a culture of genuine communication and empathy. With initiatives like mentorship programmes, regular check-ins and confidential counselling services, franchisees always have someone to turn to during tough times. These efforts create a safe space where you can openly discuss your challenges, brainstorm solutions and get the emotional support you need when things get tough.

By prioritising your wellbeing and understanding your personal struggles, forward-thinking franchisors build a strong bond of trust and loyalty. This approach not only boosts your individual resilience but also fosters a close-knit community where all feel supported and empowered to handle any adversity. It is this personal touch that not only helps you thrive as a franchisee but also ensures the overall success and resilience of the franchise family.

At this year’s annual Stagecoach Global Conference, we shifted our focus to the individual. We’ve seen the incredible impact Stagecoach has on our students, thanks to our exceptional network of franchisees. However, we also recognise that each member of the Stagecoach community is unique, with their own goals, responsibilities, personal lives and wellbeing. That is why this year’s conference, themed #ThriveWithStagecoach, was dedicated to exploring how we can support each person throughout their Stagecoach journey, keeping these individual goals in mind.

With a network filled with successful franchisees, we wanted to enhance our support to help franchisees feel strong, empowered and confident in their roles as Principals. This inspired the theme ‘Thrive.’ We understand that being a business owner can sometimes be lonely. Whether franchisees have been with us for years or are just starting their Stagecoach journey, whether they lead a large team or a small one, we want them to know that they always have someone to turn to for support. Keynote talks and workshops from experts like Sales Trainer and Coach Paul Owen, renowned Leadership and Wellbeing Coach Becky Davis, and our dedicated Support Centre team were designed to provide that essential support network, ensuring that everyone in our community can truly thrive.

Recognition is vital for boosting wellbeing. Whether big or small, acknowledging our franchisees’ achievements with well-deserved accolades is crucial. At Stagecoach, our conferences are incomplete without drinks, dinner and awards to honour the best in our network. It is a special time to celebrate their hard work over the past year and reminisce about the remarkable journeys some have had with us over 35 years. Seeing everyone each year is a highlight, and I am thrilled to have recognised Amanda Mariani from Stagecoach Westmount-NDG in Canada with this year’s International Franchisee Award.

Your journey as a franchisee is multifaceted and deeply personal. But by aligning with a brand that prioritises the wellbeing of its franchisees and cultivates a supportive and celebratory environment, you can amplify your individual success while enjoying collective prosperity throughout your network. Remember, a supportive franchise community is key to thriving in business and enjoying the journey along the way.

Andy Knights
Andy Knights