Understanding social proof as a powerful human motivator for your franchise business

There is no doubt that people feel more confident knowing someone else took the risk first. It’s even better if that person had a positive outcome.

Understanding social proof as a powerful human motivator for your franchise business

Key strategies for using testimonials, reviews to motivate potential clients

There is no doubt that people feel more confident knowing someone else took the risk first. It’s even better if that person had a positive outcome.

Let’s apply this psychology to your business:

As a business or franchise owner, if you can reduce a potential customer’s fear of taking a chance on your business and help them feel more comfortable investing their hard-earned dollars in exchange for your service, you are much more likely to make a sale.

But how do you achieve this? By using social proof, such as reviews.

Social proof has become one of the most valuable assets for a franchise brand, but what exactly is it? A dictionary defines it as the phenomenon where people copy the actions of others in an attempt to undertake similar behavior in a given situation. Pretty straightforward, right? Think of it as the social equivalent of seeing a long line outside a restaurant and deciding it must be good—because if everyone else is doing it, it must be worth your time (or at least that’s what we tell ourselves while waiting in that line).

As the definition suggests, social proof is a powerful motivator because it leverages the idea that if others have had a positive experience, your potential customer will likely have one too.

One successful way we’ve seen our clients use social proof for their franchise business is by sharing testimonials and reviews from customers on their website, social media, and marketing materials. By doing this, they leverage positive reviews to show potential customers that others have taken the risk and been rewarded, making them more likely to follow suit.

The ultimate goal of social proof is to reduce potential customers’ fears and encourage them to take a chance on your franchise business. In a post-trust era, most customers don’t trust brands as they did 50 years ago. Now, you need others to speak highly of your brand and products to incentivize new clients to buy your products or services.

Never underestimate the power of your reviews. Potential clients read between 3-7 reviews before making a purchasing decision, so by effectively using social proof and showcasing your positive customer experiences, you can significantly increase not only your brand awareness but also your sales.

Remember, in today’s world where information is abundant and skepticism is high, a GLOWING review can be worth its weight in GOLD. While everyone’s got an opinion, having a few enthusiastic supporters can make all the difference because it helps to have a few fans in your corner.

Sebastian Aguirre
Sebastian Aguirre