The word risk is not always a negative

The word risk is not always a negative

Tony Kereluke
Jul 5 '24
Often times in life we all need to take a risk or two to really strive forward to a next level. Or simply taking a few steps back to take a ten forward mentality.
Navigating the franchise lifecycle: Advice for new franchisees 

Navigating the franchise lifecycle: Advice for new franchisees 

Nick Empson
Jul 3 '24
What moving abroad taught me about how to navigate being a new franchisee; plus things I wish I knew at the start of my franchise journey.
Operational KPIs vs. Customer Experience KPIs: Striking the right balance

Operational KPIs vs. Customer Experience KPIs: Striking the right balance

Kyla Broughton
Jul 3 '24
With its standardized practices, the fast-paced, competitive world of franchising can be particularly prone to laser-focusing on only operational KPIs
Overcoming self-limiting beliefs: Creating additional success for franchisees

Overcoming self-limiting beliefs: Creating additional success for franchisees

Tim Morris
Jul 1 '24
Franchise ownership provides a path to business ownership and offers a proven business model and the support of an established brand.
School of Rock to bolster North American presence

School of Rock to bolster North American presence

Martin Morris
Jun 27 '24
Music educator looking to expand franchising opportunities in Toronto
CFA and its $120 billion contribution

CFA and its $120 billion contribution

Martin Morris
Jun 26 '24
Franchising isn’t just a business model; it’s a community builder, job creator, and a significant economic driver, according to the Canadian Franchise Association (CFA)
Don’t let franchise leads grow cold: How to keep potential franchisees engaged

Don’t let franchise leads grow cold: How to keep potential franchisees engaged

Pamela Labelle
Jun 17 '24
Consistent nurturing is key to converting leads into franchisees. Email reminders, SMS notifications, and various digital touchpoints keep potential franchisees informed and interested, allowing you to make the most of your marketing budget.
The power of positivity

The power of positivity: Rethinking leadership attitudes in hospitality

Daran Adair
Jun 14 '24
In the dynamic world of hospitality, the attitude of leaders can spell the difference between success and failure. It’s time for a reevaluation of how we perceive and prioritize positivity in leadership roles.
Cracking the customer code: How franchisees can unlock success with metrics

Cracking the customer code: How franchisees can unlock success with metrics

Kyla Broughton
Jun 13 '24
Delivering a stellar customer experience (CX) is the golden ticket to success; the key to achieving that ticket is the power of metrics.
How to pitch yourself to a Franchise brand

How to pitch yourself to a Franchise brand

Stuart Wood
Jun 12 '24
If you’re thinking of becoming a franchisee with an existing brand, there are many things you can do to help your application stand out from the crowd.
A franchise system that sets the stage for success

A franchise system that sets the stage for success

Andy Knights
Jun 11 '24
For aspiring entrepreneurs, franchising can be transformative. Its appeal lies in its low-investment model, access to a pre-existing market, established distribution channels, and the power of a recognised brand.
Factoring vs. Line of credit 

Factoring vs. Line of credit 

Lamar Vandusen
Jun 10 '24
Every month, the challenge isn’t just making sales but ensuring there’s enough cash on hand to pay suppliers, employees, and cover other operating costs.